École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille
P21 | FROM THE CITY...TO THE RIVERBANK...Between Orient and Occident.
by Pascale Gandoin de Zerbi
Istanbul, a city world, being situated near orient and near occident, it takes advantage of a particular situation. It is very difficult to find a cultural membership because of its position on the crossroad. Between nuances and contradictions, it built itself around the various civilisations which once walked there and the successive waves of immigration. How to answer punctually the problems of this city and to live in it? The Golden Horn is a territory in the city due to its history, its evolution and its localization. This place describes the paradoxes and the various faces which make the specificity of Istanbul. How to face an important immigration in terms of housing? How to mend with the city without losing its identity? Between old town and shores, four phases which identify four urban various and cultural moments adapt to the context. The interventions propose a progress of the housing according to the needs of the city. How to live in this district without knocking down the customs? How to mix history and modernity without distorting the site and its practices? All these problems are on the scale of the site and just like the city: How to find a link between orient and occident?
Pascale Gandoin de Zerbi. Architect D.E H.M.O.N.P. Born in Bastia in 1987. She successfully completed her studies at the ENSA Marseille, France, graduating with first class honours in 2011. With her thesis project she was awarded the Prize for the best diplomas of Bouches du Rhône 2011 (“Lauréate du prix des meilleurs diplômes des Bouches du Rhône 2011”), rewarded by the SA13, the CAUE 13, CROA PACA (CROA Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur), DRAC PACA (DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur), ENSA Marseille. This distinction gave her a position in the jury panel of the next year. She worked as a project manager in the studio of Yvann Pluskwa, where she passed her degree HMONP (“Habilitation à la maîtrise d’oeuvre en son nom propre”/ Authorization in the project management) in 2012. Moreover, she collaborated with Tarlet Architects in Marseille, ADP Architects in Bastia, bouillaud&donnadieu atelier d'architecture et d'urbanisme in Marseille, or l'Atelier d'Architecture Yvann Pluskwa in Marseille, and AM&Co Amelia Tavella Architecte in Aix en provence. In 2013 she founded her own company CGZ architecture with Julien Casalta.